
New Royal Electronics understands that every home is different which is why our geyser range offers a variety of sizes and capacities that could be used to work for the personalized needs you have. As one of the top Geyser Traders in Delhi, we are in the position to offer the highest-quality geysers to customers all around India at the best rates.

New Royal Electronics is a Leading Geyser Traders in India with the geysers that we offer, you will never have to worry about running out of hot water. Energy efficiency is another cool feature that we offer in the geysers offered.

These days geysers are seen in every household, big or small. Their application helps in quickly heating the water safely and effectively. There are multiple types of geysers available in the Indian market and some of those are as follows:

Gas Geyser: You will need an LPG Connection for these kinds of geysers. They consume less amount of energy as compared to other water heating appliances available in the market.

Main Benefits: Quick heating, Low cost

Instant geysers: As the name suggests, these Geysers are instant and do not store water in them for a long time. In just a few minutes, you can get warm water. Being compact, these are easily portable and ideal for activities including bathing, washing dishes, and more.

Main benefits: small in size, less power consumption, quick

Electric Geyser: These geysers need an electric connection for operating purposes. Most of the households have been using these geysers for heating water. They are loved for their safety and are popular for easy installations.

Main features: High-temperature range, easy to install

Solar Geyser: This type of geyser takes the help of sunlight for heating the water. The advanced mechanism helps in absorbing the sun's rays and converting them into electricity that is used for heating the water. They are placed in a location where sunlight is the maximum amount.

Main features: Capable of heating within a short time, low electricity bills, effective and efficient

Kitchen Geyser: These geysers are very small, having a capacity of 1-3 liters. They do not take up a large space and are ideal for kitchen spaces, as the name suggests, and help you wash the dishes with warm water on cold days.

Main benefits: hot water supply in 3-5 minutes, compact

Have made up your mind about which geyser to buy? Call us and let us know. We will deliver it to you shortly.
